Month: January 2022

Project Island Currently volunteering as a developer for Project Island, a fan-made sequel to the Lego Island video game series. Developed new features in C# using the Unity game engine based on design specifications from the team Implemented assets such as 3D models produced by other team members into the game and connected them to relevant…

Riches Await Below

Produced a game in 48 hours as part of the Ludum Dare 48 game jam, based around a specified theme (in this case “deeper and deeper”; interpreted as a management game inspired by Dwarf Fortress where you command miners to tunnel progressively deeper and retrieve more valuable minerals while managing their stamina and tool durability.

  • Developed the game using Unity and C# over the course of 48 hours
  • Created 3D models for the characters and tool stations using Blender
  • Presented the final game to a community of other entrants, receiving ratings and feedback for potential use in future versions of the project